Beyonce’s Coming Over

Okay, I need to do a holiday update but it will have to wait.

I’ve been feeling a bit down and ready for the season festivities to conclude already. I was rolling around in my misery today until I talked to my friend, Leigh. She has the flu. I immediately switched from feeling sorry for myself to expressing ample amounts of gratitude that we’ve stayed healthy this holiday season.

I also know myself well enough to know that when I’m blue, reaching out and helping someone else brightens my mood instantly.

I took Leigh a casserole (I have Adderall to thank for my focus and productivity) and offered to watch her kids all day tomorrow.

In case you’re wondering where the title of this post fits in, Leigh’s children had a staring role in this post a few months back.

I adore Leigh’s kids but keeping up with her three and my two is no meditation retreat, though I’ll certainly need one after tomorrow.

So I’m off to bed.

Happy New Year to all!

2 thoughts on “Beyonce’s Coming Over

  1. Oh, THOSE kids! I remember laughing my rear off when I read that post! No, but seriously, You’re a good friend. I too have found that one of the best ways to lift myself out of a sorry mood is to reach out and help someone else. It seems to take the focus off me while at the same time allowing me to feel useful and of value.

    May the force be with you tomorrow (I think it’s already today…it’s after 12), and Happy New Year 🙂


    • Rising!! Girl, I had to catch up on your blog the other day, but then I got distracted and never commented. Wishing you a happier 2014. I’m cheering for you! And seriously, I need the Force tomorrow. Watching her kids seemed like a good idea around 2pm. Now that it’s after midnight and I can’t sleep, I’m having second thoughts. I should go hide all the cleaning products and lock up my underwear!


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